Astratto, by the artist Lucio Mayoor Tosi, are essential compositions, almost minimalist, characterized by emptiness, according to aesthetic principles of oriental derivation: often combined in multiple works, such as stories fixed on a wall.
The artist defines his painting as a real weight loss therapy. All this through a continuous experimentation of new materials, such as reinforced polystyrene, often in irregular size, of which it prefers small formats.
“I reduced everything to graffiti and to small marks. I don’t do painting anymore, can’t you see my works? There are no landscapes, portraits or complicated representations in reality, there’s nothing here: everything is gone. I start from the beginning, that’s to say from the death of this stuff. I take scraps that I create, trying to recompose, if you may could also be a little bit of a naive poetic game, something artistic I don’t even know what it is”.