The Customer may return the Products purchased on the website as per articles 52 and following Articles of Legislative Decree n°21/2014, without being charged of any penalty and without being required to provide any explanation always within fourteen (14) days from the Customer order delivered.
When TID receives the Products, the agreement will be completely released for all its purposes and obligations as well as rights or claims will decay. If Products returned from the Customer will be used, consumed or damaged, TID has the right to reimburse such damage with the payment of the Products already done by the Customer and therefore any refund will not be due.
In addition to what listed above, the right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions necessary to consider the withdrawal effective:
a. The Customer must contact TID Customer Service – by sending an e-mail to or send at PEC or by post to The Interior Design S.s.r.l, Via Pietro Marussig 6, 20154 Milano – in order to obtain the authorization to proceed with the return after checking the product itself. TID will answer to the request as soon as possible by inserting any information into the address used to give the products back;
b. After receiving the authorization, the Products must be sent directly to the Producer/Supplier of the Product according to what has been reported by TID in the previous paragraph, at her/his own risk and expense by courier or registered mail within 14 days from the exercise of the right of withdrawal;
c. TID will ask the Customer a proof of delivery when dealing with a specific case of non – delivery of the returned package. The Customer will have to show the signature of the person who received the package back. When the Customer cannot provide any proof of delivery, TID will not refund anything;
d. The returned Product must have been neither used, consumed nor damaged;
e. The Product must be returned into its original packaging, accessories included.
f. A partial refund will be given to the customer in the event of a reduction in value of the asset due to a different manipulation than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning, Article 57 Legislative Decree 206/2005.
If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (except for additional costs resulting from your choice of a different type of delivery respect the standard delivery that we offer), without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the day we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. The redemption may be retained beyond 14 days only until you shown us the evidence of having sent back the goods or until these goods have not been received by us, depending on which of these two situation occurs first.
In the event that the above conditions would not be respected, the Customer will not be reimbursed of the amount paid to TID. The Customer will only be entitled to receive the returned Products at his/her own risk and expense. If the Customer will not ask for any Product restitution within thirty days (30) from the notification of the return by TID, TID has the right to hold them according to the amount received, keeping them always taking into account the original purchase order.